Sunday, April 30, 2006
This weekend's caches

I came across some water plants here to which I took a snippet of hoping to be able to put them in a project I have in mind. I think they may be the type that are used in the Beta fish vases you get at Michael's & have always wanted one of those.
The 2nd stop of the day was down a farmer's road to a trail that lead us to what looked like an old quarry. It was on the river, & so quiet & beautiful. The cache was hidden in amongst the rocks which was really neat. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, lol. This was the most challenging cache so far & a lot of fun. I managed to find it before the rest of the family, & according to the logbook lots of people have taken at least 2 attempts.
We also checked up on our favourite Walleye cache at the Talbot sanctuary. There were about 20-30 of rather large Pickerel. Still waiting for the Suckers to be in full spawning mode; will keep you updated.
Peace out, Boop

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Penny Rug finished

I love the fact that "Craftster" isn't for any certain type or level of Artist or Craft person. Everybody & anybody are welcome and even encouraged to post pics of their latest projects. There are good, bad, weird, cool & amazing ones. Nobody seems intimidated at all. They even have areas for craft disasters & people seem keen to post pics of themselves or their projects asking for other people's advice.
I've seen 2 this past week alone where people wrote in (with a pic) asking for hairstyle suggestions so no topic seems off limits. Just a neat place to check out is you have some time. There's tons of swaps available too & some of the things that people send freely to one another is awesome. Young, old, punk, conservative and unique; something for everyone, so check it out.
Peace out, Boop

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Oh, the carnage!

Craft Carnage

Since I didn't have a finished project to upload at the moment, I decided to show you what's in the works. At the moment I'm working on a penny rug (from the workshop I took last Thurs.) & a mini. Amigurumi Chihuahua (of course you can't tell that from all the white bits in the bottom right corner, but I'm optimistic).
On the weekend, we took the kids to see "Ice Age". Of course I won't go into detail of how much I love animation (although you should know by now), but it was great. Better, & funnier that the 1st.
Sun. was geocaching day. In retrospec I would have rather been at home in a warm bed (likely why I'm not feeling well now), but we decided to brave the elements. Did 2 actual caches & checked on the Walleye one again. The 1st was of no interest, the 2nd had us at the Trent R. locks. It was very hard to be inconpicuous there with so may people fishing (for Jumbo Perch apparently; who knew), but we pulled it off. Kind of felt like spies (okay I have a great imagination; perhaps that's where te kids get it from? Will ponder this later.) Must be a good fishing spot 'cause I've never seen so many (especially considering it was such a bad weather day).
We then went to check out the Walleye Spawning area again. You wouldn't believe the difference. Last week there seemed to be thousands, & Sun. we saw 3! We also saw about 6 "Suckerfish" so I imagine that the Walleye are ending & the Suckerfish starting. Planning on checking it out again next weekend to see if my theory is correct. Such a great spot! Besides, I love watching fish for some reason; wonder what Freud would say? LOL.
Came home & watched "Rent" on Satellite. It's a musical about Aids. Had heard it raved about (was on Broadway for a few years), but had never seen it. Started out with too much singing (I realize it was a musical, but I thought there would be more acting like in Chicago). We did start to get into it after a while & it really turned out to be a great movie. The story definitely was one that needed to be told & some of the singing was great. Glad we stuck through it. We also watched "Walk the Line"; Johnny Cash story. This was simply awesome & I'd tell anyone to see it if you haven't already. Will watch this again & again for sure.
So, off to finish some projects 'cause I'd rather be knitting & won't allow it until these 2 are out of the way.
Peace out, Boop
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Penny Rug Class
Today didn't exactly worked out as planned, but at least I got to go to the workshop for 1/2 of it. I found out that Jennifer (who was teaching the class) is a very nice person (didn't really know her before today), who actually seems to "get" my sense of humour. She was also very good about helping me to get as much done as possible before I had to leave & lent me a pic. of the finished project so I could finish up on my own at home; to this I'm am very grateful.
Faye (our Guild Prez.) admitted that she had never read my blog, but promises to. I hope she'll leave feedback in the comment section (as with everyone else) so I actually have proof, lol. I did find out that she's still on dial-up so who could blame her? I know that getting highspeed this past year has changed our life so I'd never go back!! Hope you get that fixed soon Faye, you'll be amazed at the difference.
Talked to a few about starting a knitting/crochet group so I hope that works out. A small group at the workshop today, but a really great bunch. I really enjoyed the class & am going to get back at it now so I'll have pics soon.
Peace out, Boop
Faye (our Guild Prez.) admitted that she had never read my blog, but promises to. I hope she'll leave feedback in the comment section (as with everyone else) so I actually have proof, lol. I did find out that she's still on dial-up so who could blame her? I know that getting highspeed this past year has changed our life so I'd never go back!! Hope you get that fixed soon Faye, you'll be amazed at the difference.
Talked to a few about starting a knitting/crochet group so I hope that works out. A small group at the workshop today, but a really great bunch. I really enjoyed the class & am going to get back at it now so I'll have pics soon.
Peace out, Boop
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Miniature bead knitted purse

This miniature purse is only about 2" in diameter. There are more than 1200 seed beads in the purse body alone that were strung on to the vintage variegated perle cotton that was left to me by my Great Aunt. (That alone took over 2 hrs., lol.)
I would definitely make more of these. I really enjoyed knitting this purse, but will include a coin or something in the pic. next time so you can truly get an idea of how small it actually is. The needles were size 0000 (similar to knitting with toothpicks) in case anyone is interested. The best part was that Nana loved it and that is the most rewarding part to any artist.
Peace out, Boop

Spawning Walleye

Spawning Walleye

I must have taken at least a dozen pics today (Apr.16th), but this is the only one that turned out of the fish. Must have been because of the rippling water or the sun, but I'm grateful to have this one. Anyway, after this we had a traditional Easter dinner with family. Hope you all enjoyed your day too.
Peace out, Boop
The coolest bit of natural wonder

This is how we spent our Eater morning and I honestly can't think of better way. If you've never seen this event, you must go. We found this gem because of "Geocaching". I can't say enough for this sport.
Anyway, this particular geocache took us to the Talbot River. From about now until June the fish come here to spawn. First are the Walleye (Pickerel), the Sucker Fish & lastly the Bass. I've never seen anything so extraordinary in my life. There seemed to be thousands of these giant Walleye. They ranged from 12/2-3ft. in length. We were all in absolute awe. What a great thing to see.
Talbot River Fish Sanctuary

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Special Day
Friday, April 14, 2006
Windy Ridge

So last weekend we did 3 geocaches. 2 of them were here at the "Windy Ridge Conservation Area" in the Kawarthas. Yet again, another great place that we never would have gone to if it wasn't for this great game. It has really changed our lives.
The 1st pic. is from the top of a climb we had to do to get to the cache. The view is extraordinary & the pic. really doesn't do it justice. The elevation at this point (if you're interested in facts like I am) is 923ft.

The next pic. is of an amazing old tree at the base of the park. It is home to a porcupine which some other's have named "Mr. Prickles", lol. He wasn't in when we were there, but there are pics of him on the geocache site & a lot of porcupine poop (I mean alot too) around the tree to prove his existence. The tree is incredible. It looks like one of the tree spirits from "Lord of the Rings".
Anyway, projects on the go are: knitted poncho, 2 Amigurumis, & a prezzie for my MIL's 65th B-Day. Hopefully, I'll have some of them finished so I can post pics. later.
Peace out, Boop

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Anyway, tomorrow is Quilt Guild Day. I'm optimistic that it will go well. Let you know later. Post is short & sweet as there's more geocaching to be done. Later. Peace out, Boop
Friday, April 07, 2006
Knitting Machine Addiction

So, this is what I've been doing since Tuesday. I had been invited to check out the "Machine Knitter's Group". These people are a very generous & kind group. I had called ahead to see if I could bring the children (I home-school) which was no problem. They meet in an old school house about 20 mins. from here. It has a kitchen, washroom & a large main area that can easily accommodate this group & their machines.
The reason that I was interested was because I thought I had a machine. By that I mean that I was left one, but upon opening the box, it only contained the accessories, but no beds. (This is quite important, lol.) I also know some of these people in this group because we've worked across from one another for the past 3 years (soon to be 4) at the Fall Fair where I demo crazy quilting.
The children were good & the group was great. I learned a whole lot about knitting machines! There is even a lovely mature man named "Norvall" who is always having to put $ in the cussing jar, lol. Everyone there seemed very eager & willing to share tips on everything from the types of machines, to what you could do with them.
Wed. I ended up going to the group leader's house (Karen) for a lesson. I learned more in 2 hours than I think I've ever learned in a class. Maybe it was because I was so interested. Perhaps it's because it's something I've always wanted to learn in my Grandmother's memory. Anyway, she even lent me one of her machines (can you believe that?) until I can get one of my own. It's a plastic bed (Brother KX-350) which I'm told is a good place to start. I have ordered one (the same model even) that will hopefully arrive soon (picked up on Ebay). I am so excited!
Thurs. I spent the day trying to figure out the machine. I had no trouble at all putting it together, but a little threading the thing. Once I got that sorted out, it was just trial & error. I did manage to make 3 mini touques & a mini scarf. My only trouble now is that I don't know what else to make, lol.
Today I had to clean. No, really. I think when Mark came home yesterday & we were all in our PJ's he thought that the knitting machine was going to take over our lives! Today, I promised myself that I wouldn't go on the machine until all the house chores were done. This way the house will be all clean for the weekend & I won't feel guilty working on the machine or Biz. + we all want to do some more geocaching too.
Will post pics. later. Peace out, Boop
Monday, April 03, 2006
Geocaching & such

Now, this weekend we managed to go out "Geocaching". It's just like treasure hunting. You download info. about the treasure points (aka Cache's) from their website & then you're off. At the treasure point you will find trinkets, travel bugs (like army dogtags), etc. & a sign in book. This is world-wide game & there are many to choose from for car, bike, boat, foot, etc.
We were able to do 2 on Fri. night (yes, we did get soaked in the rain, but we're having too much fun for anyone to complain) & 2 on Sun. It's a wonderful way to get your family out together in the fresh air because once you've driven to the parking point there will be a small or long hike to choose from depending on the Cache. We're definitely going to do more of this. We all had a great time & it got the kids (& ourselves) away from the computer & outside so we could all get some exercise.
Peace out, Boop