Sunday, April 30, 2006
This weekend's caches

I came across some water plants here to which I took a snippet of hoping to be able to put them in a project I have in mind. I think they may be the type that are used in the Beta fish vases you get at Michael's & have always wanted one of those.
The 2nd stop of the day was down a farmer's road to a trail that lead us to what looked like an old quarry. It was on the river, & so quiet & beautiful. The cache was hidden in amongst the rocks which was really neat. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, lol. This was the most challenging cache so far & a lot of fun. I managed to find it before the rest of the family, & according to the logbook lots of people have taken at least 2 attempts.
We also checked up on our favourite Walleye cache at the Talbot sanctuary. There were about 20-30 of rather large Pickerel. Still waiting for the Suckers to be in full spawning mode; will keep you updated.
Peace out, Boop