Monday, April 03, 2006
Geocaching & such

Now, this weekend we managed to go out "Geocaching". It's just like treasure hunting. You download info. about the treasure points (aka Cache's) from their website & then you're off. At the treasure point you will find trinkets, travel bugs (like army dogtags), etc. & a sign in book. This is world-wide game & there are many to choose from for car, bike, boat, foot, etc.
We were able to do 2 on Fri. night (yes, we did get soaked in the rain, but we're having too much fun for anyone to complain) & 2 on Sun. It's a wonderful way to get your family out together in the fresh air because once you've driven to the parking point there will be a small or long hike to choose from depending on the Cache. We're definitely going to do more of this. We all had a great time & it got the kids (& ourselves) away from the computer & outside so we could all get some exercise.
Peace out, Boop