Thursday, April 20, 2006


Penny Rug Class

Today didn't exactly worked out as planned, but at least I got to go to the workshop for 1/2 of it. I found out that Jennifer (who was teaching the class) is a very nice person (didn't really know her before today), who actually seems to "get" my sense of humour. She was also very good about helping me to get as much done as possible before I had to leave & lent me a pic. of the finished project so I could finish up on my own at home; to this I'm am very grateful.

Faye (our Guild Prez.) admitted that she had never read my blog, but promises to. I hope she'll leave feedback in the comment section (as with everyone else) so I actually have proof, lol. I did find out that she's still on dial-up so who could blame her? I know that getting highspeed this past year has changed our life so I'd never go back!! Hope you get that fixed soon Faye, you'll be amazed at the difference.

Talked to a few about starting a knitting/crochet group so I hope that works out. A small group at the workshop today, but a really great bunch. I really enjoyed the class & am going to get back at it now so I'll have pics soon.

Peace out, Boop

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