Friday, April 07, 2006
Knitting Machine Addiction

So, this is what I've been doing since Tuesday. I had been invited to check out the "Machine Knitter's Group". These people are a very generous & kind group. I had called ahead to see if I could bring the children (I home-school) which was no problem. They meet in an old school house about 20 mins. from here. It has a kitchen, washroom & a large main area that can easily accommodate this group & their machines.
The reason that I was interested was because I thought I had a machine. By that I mean that I was left one, but upon opening the box, it only contained the accessories, but no beds. (This is quite important, lol.) I also know some of these people in this group because we've worked across from one another for the past 3 years (soon to be 4) at the Fall Fair where I demo crazy quilting.
The children were good & the group was great. I learned a whole lot about knitting machines! There is even a lovely mature man named "Norvall" who is always having to put $ in the cussing jar, lol. Everyone there seemed very eager & willing to share tips on everything from the types of machines, to what you could do with them.
Wed. I ended up going to the group leader's house (Karen) for a lesson. I learned more in 2 hours than I think I've ever learned in a class. Maybe it was because I was so interested. Perhaps it's because it's something I've always wanted to learn in my Grandmother's memory. Anyway, she even lent me one of her machines (can you believe that?) until I can get one of my own. It's a plastic bed (Brother KX-350) which I'm told is a good place to start. I have ordered one (the same model even) that will hopefully arrive soon (picked up on Ebay). I am so excited!
Thurs. I spent the day trying to figure out the machine. I had no trouble at all putting it together, but a little threading the thing. Once I got that sorted out, it was just trial & error. I did manage to make 3 mini touques & a mini scarf. My only trouble now is that I don't know what else to make, lol.
Today I had to clean. No, really. I think when Mark came home yesterday & we were all in our PJ's he thought that the knitting machine was going to take over our lives! Today, I promised myself that I wouldn't go on the machine until all the house chores were done. This way the house will be all clean for the weekend & I won't feel guilty working on the machine or Biz. + we all want to do some more geocaching too.
Will post pics. later. Peace out, Boop
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That's the trouble with knitting machines...trying to figure out what to do with one once you've got it! Ask me how I know!
Enjoyed your machine knitting adventure. I know Norval from the Machine Knitting Club as he used to own a restaurant just north or Rosedale and we dined there often on his wonderful roast beef! He is a wonderful craftsman and I'm sure a delight to have in your company of knitters. It sounds as though you have had a great start and when your very own machine arrives you will be a whirlwind of activity - that is of course after the house chores are done - g.g.g.
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