Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Oh, the carnage!

Craft Carnage

Since I didn't have a finished project to upload at the moment, I decided to show you what's in the works. At the moment I'm working on a penny rug (from the workshop I took last Thurs.) & a mini. Amigurumi Chihuahua (of course you can't tell that from all the white bits in the bottom right corner, but I'm optimistic).
On the weekend, we took the kids to see "Ice Age". Of course I won't go into detail of how much I love animation (although you should know by now), but it was great. Better, & funnier that the 1st.
Sun. was geocaching day. In retrospec I would have rather been at home in a warm bed (likely why I'm not feeling well now), but we decided to brave the elements. Did 2 actual caches & checked on the Walleye one again. The 1st was of no interest, the 2nd had us at the Trent R. locks. It was very hard to be inconpicuous there with so may people fishing (for Jumbo Perch apparently; who knew), but we pulled it off. Kind of felt like spies (okay I have a great imagination; perhaps that's where te kids get it from? Will ponder this later.) Must be a good fishing spot 'cause I've never seen so many (especially considering it was such a bad weather day).
We then went to check out the Walleye Spawning area again. You wouldn't believe the difference. Last week there seemed to be thousands, & Sun. we saw 3! We also saw about 6 "Suckerfish" so I imagine that the Walleye are ending & the Suckerfish starting. Planning on checking it out again next weekend to see if my theory is correct. Such a great spot! Besides, I love watching fish for some reason; wonder what Freud would say? LOL.
Came home & watched "Rent" on Satellite. It's a musical about Aids. Had heard it raved about (was on Broadway for a few years), but had never seen it. Started out with too much singing (I realize it was a musical, but I thought there would be more acting like in Chicago). We did start to get into it after a while & it really turned out to be a great movie. The story definitely was one that needed to be told & some of the singing was great. Glad we stuck through it. We also watched "Walk the Line"; Johnny Cash story. This was simply awesome & I'd tell anyone to see it if you haven't already. Will watch this again & again for sure.
So, off to finish some projects 'cause I'd rather be knitting & won't allow it until these 2 are out of the way.
Peace out, Boop