Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Sock it to me, baby.

Yes, another sock. I'm telling you all that socks are completely addictive. And why not? They're portable, quickly rewarding, everyone needs them (I could go on, but you might think me crazier than you already do).

I love making socks!! These ones were done on the fine bed knitting machine which takes only just over an hour for the pair. Of course you then spend more time stitching them up, but I save that part for "the obligitory evening T.V. watching with the hubby" (I know all you ladies know what I mean by this, lol).

Peace out, Boop Posted by Picasa


Just bead it!

The necklace is finished. OMG, lol. I've had this kit for 3 yrs. & never felt I had the time for it. I think this is how most mother's feel when the item they're making is for themselves. Anyway, it's done, it took a lot of time & was the most intense beading I've attempted, but I'm thrilled with the results.

Hope you all like it too. Peace out, Boop
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The last 12 days

So, alot has happened the past 12 days. We had our Canada Day celebrations. We lit off fireworks (our 1st time attempting this, but it wasn't difficult & went well), had a bonfire with marshmallows, spent time outside just enjoying the fact that we're Canadians. This is still the best definition of a "Canadian" (you'll love this one). The "Yarn Harlot" probably said it just as well.

Despite efforts to save "Batty", he passed away on route to a professional Wildlife rehabilitator in Claremont (who happens to specialize in bat care; who knew). Anyway, she figured that he had suffered internal damage when he dropped down the chimney (21/2 stories high) before I found him. It's hard to understand how one can get attached to such things when only being with them a short while, but to know me is to understand (I also have a deep belief in Buddhist philosophy which probably attributes to the fact that I believe all are equal & should be treated that way).

I've also been trying to catch up on dental & Dr. appts., correspondence, gardening chores, bills, UFO's, etc. I have managed to book all the necessary appts., look lovelingly at the garden promising to get weeding (if the rain should ever stop long enough, lol), & finish off some of the UFO's.

The knitting machine obsession is going very well. I've finished a couple more of prs. of socks, & have done a whole lot of reading on the subject. I've also got one of the mini bead-knitted purses in the local yarn shop on consignment & have orders to make OOAK polymer buttons for the same store; things are looking up (but I'm afraid to say it too loud less tempt the Gods, lol.)

So, I shall bid you all adue & go get some project pics. blogged so you can all see some of the progress. Peace out, Boop

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