Thursday, March 30, 2006
This month's CQ'teer meeting

CQ/Art Doll face purses

Our March CQ'teer meeting was yesterday. We did our usual (& much anticipated) ATC swap, Show & Share & also presented our finished purses. This is a project that we've been working on for the past few months on & off.
MA suggested that we all give this purse a try since she had the pattern & thought it would make a nice group project. It always amazes me to see how each person interprets a pattern & makes it their own. They're all equally nice, but completely different.
Sue & Irene also brought in their finished Knitting Olympic projects for us to see. Sue, is the one that did the neat miniature knit on the ATC last month. This time she did a miniature knit beaded purse which measures about 2" in height. Irene got busy at the last min. & whipped up some knitting with wire to which she then made an aquatic scene with. Some really neat stuff, don't ya think?
I just adore this group! Peace out, Boop
Monday, March 27, 2006
A nice day

Then, I had quite a few calls about my home-based Biz. that I'm in process of creating "The Creative Castle". I had calls about shows that I've been invited to, workshops & a talk scheduled for May. I also talked to one of my main suppliers (for the things that I don't make) & had a few calls from those wanting to put in orders. Everyone was so nice & positive that I couldn't help but feel good.
I also managed to home-school the kids, gets lots of chores done, make a good hearty meal for when hubby arrived home & finish my 2nd Amigurumi bunny which I've pictured here at the side.
I'm quite pleased with this one 'cause it's pretty much my design. I started following the pattern for the head & body & then decided to create the rest (including the face) on the fly. The results, I think, are much better (or at least closer to my "style" of work than the 1st one). Anyway, of those who really know me can tell you, I've always had trouble staying "in the box". In fact, I'm kind of like a caged animal if someone tries to put me into one. LOL.
I remember a couple of years ago a friend & I decided to make pin dolls from a free pattern that Patti Culea offered on the Net. This was suppose to be for a realistic looking lady. My friends turned out like the pattern, but mine turned into "The Grinch". I can only say that I like "green" skin & must have had the Grinch on my mind 'cause my hands just wouldn't co-operate; that's my story & I'm sticking to. Ah, another story for another day.
Peace out, Boop

Sunday, March 26, 2006
Proud British Knitter & a Hooker?

Okay, I've had a couple of inquiries about these 2 buttons on the left hand sidebar, lol. Knowing me the way you all do, it certainly wasn't for shock value; as if!!
Anyway, firstly I'll explain the proud British Knitter button. I had come across a site that had these buttons displayed & my curiosity got the better of me. Upon further research I discovered that there are different kinds of knitters. I always knew that people from Europe knitted "Continental", but really didn't know what that meant other than I was told they were faster.
So, if you're right-handed & also use your right hand to wrap the yarn around the needles, you are apparently a "Thrower". This also means that you are an "English style Knitter". If you are right-handed & use your left hand for wrapping the yarn around the needles then you are what they call a "Picker" (aka a "Continental Knitter").
Of course "Hooker" refers to a person that also "Crochets". According to some books, the name might have come from the times of the "Potato Famine in Ireland". In order to make $, women made Irish crochet laces to be sold overseas. In order to supplement the money they were paid, some warehouse owners would expect to also be given sexual favours for allowing them the privilege of working there. This might also be why prostitutes are sometimes called Hookers. Strange, but apparently true. Can you imagine? Geesh.
Well, hope I've cleared up some of the confusion. Today I'm working on ATC's, housework, the Biz & Amigurumis; not necessarily in that order.
Peace out, Boop
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Amigurumi; what??????


I know, I know, but just hear me out. According to the definition that I found, Amigurumi means: a Japanese style crocheted anthropomorphic doll or stuffed toy. They are usually done in single crochet on the round, using bright colours; like Hello Kitty. You crochet all the parts & then sew them together after they're stuffed.
While they do seem quite addictive, the patterns are easily followed by beginners. I just recently joined the "Amigurumi-Along" in the Blogs. I was also able to purchase some inexpensive beginner patterns from "Roxycraft". They were clear, & easy to follow.
Give it a try, you might enjoy it. Besides if you can't beat'em, join'em. By this I mean that I'm trying to prepare you all 'cause I have a feeling I'll be making more, lol.
Peace out, Boop
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

We'll this is a pic. of myself, Mark (hubby) & Steve (Bil). I am sooo happy that we got to spend some time together. Sat. we stayed up trying to catch up (81/2 yrs. worth) & then delivered him back to the inlaws the next afternoon. I'm not sure that he quite bonded with Daffodil (my potbelly piggy) or that he understood why I have doves as pets, but he accepted it non the less. The children were delighted to meet their uncle (afterall, they had all those yrs. of practical jokes to catch up on according to Joe).
My SIL & her 2 children joined us all for a family visit & dinner in the city. It was a feeling that was long overdue. It was just like the old days when we'd get together most weekends to exchange jokes, stories, & good times. I don't think you realize just how much you get from time spent like this until it's no longer there. We've made a pact to do this more often & whether Steve realizes it or not, he's going to keep better & more frequent contact. Just because you're out-of-province doesn't mean that you're let away with it, lol.
This Fri. we're heading back down to the city to get one more visit in before Steve heads back to B.C. We are going to miss him more than one would seem possible, but definitely going to keep better track of each other even if I have to drug & microchip the guy, lol.
Anyway, I know this entry has nothing to do with my art (or anyone elses for that matter), however maybe you should all spend some time this week trying to reconnect with your own families (or old friends). I think you will be pleasantly surprised just how inspiring the outcome could be. I feel rejuvinated & can't wait until I get back to the creativity. My whole spirit feels so renewed that this can only come through in my art.
Happy everything, peace out, Boop :o)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Chicken Little

Chicken Little

Nope, the sky isn't falling, but it may as well be. LOL. My dear brother-in-law is coming to town. Yup, it's absolutely true; no kidding. Mark & I haven't seen Steve in 81/2 yrs when he moved out west to be with his now wife Deb. It's almost impossible for me to grasp this, but it really doesn't seem like all that long ago. I think I must be in denial.
Steve is absolutely the greatest guy. I have wonderful memories of us staying up late talking & watching "The Munsters" & "The Adam's Family" in the middle of the night when Mark was in bed early so he could wake-up the next morning. Steve was & will always be the brother that I always wanted. I have missed him sooo much!!
I have also been cleaning up like a mad woman. I know Steve is coming to catch up with Mark, I & the kids. I know that he's not judgemental & couldn't care less how the house looks. I also know that the house really isn't that bad either & could easily be up to par with a little decluttering (which is what I'm doing). However, I think that since I have to do the Spring clean thing eventually, it's giving me a chance to use up the nervous energy that I have at the moment in anticipation of Steve's arrival.
Anyway, there's hardly been a moment for creativity unless you count the ways in which I've managed to hide some of the clutter that I just won't have time to deal with before the big day. Steve will be brought here by the inlaws Sat. just before noon & we will deliver him back to Oshawa Sun. afternoon. I know that it's going to be hard trying to catch up 81/2 yrs. in just over 24 hrs. but Mark & I are grateful for the opportunity. I'll keep you posted. 2 more sleeps!!
Peace out, Boop :o)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I got to demo Angelina Fibres today. One of my favourite things to do is experiment with new products & this time I got to show it off to people (unlike my hubby or his friends) that were actually interested, lol.
If you haven't tried these fibres yet, you're missing out. They add wonderful iridescent qualities to many different art mediums. They are extremely useful in, doll-making, quilting, sewing, scrapbooking & stamping.
I use (& now carry) the bondable line which comes in approx. 18 colours. When wanting to make your own fabric, you simply put a pinch of the fibres between 2 sheets of parchment paper & iron (silk setting) them gently for a few seconds. You can then easily peel the fused fabric from the parchment, cut into shapes & apply to your sewing projects.
Stampers & scrapbookers will enjoy this versatile product too. Ink up a stamp & place face up on a flat surface. Then place a pinch of Angelina fibres on top of the stamp. Place a sheet of parchment over the two, iron over the paper for a few seconds. You now have made an embossed iridescent fibre that you can adhere to your project.
Keep creating, peace out. Boop
If you haven't tried these fibres yet, you're missing out. They add wonderful iridescent qualities to many different art mediums. They are extremely useful in, doll-making, quilting, sewing, scrapbooking & stamping.
I use (& now carry) the bondable line which comes in approx. 18 colours. When wanting to make your own fabric, you simply put a pinch of the fibres between 2 sheets of parchment paper & iron (silk setting) them gently for a few seconds. You can then easily peel the fused fabric from the parchment, cut into shapes & apply to your sewing projects.
Stampers & scrapbookers will enjoy this versatile product too. Ink up a stamp & place face up on a flat surface. Then place a pinch of Angelina fibres on top of the stamp. Place a sheet of parchment over the two, iron over the paper for a few seconds. You now have made an embossed iridescent fibre that you can adhere to your project.
Keep creating, peace out. Boop
Monday, March 13, 2006
Guild Day

It seems to me that this time is especially important at the moment. I'm trying to get my home-based business going, home-schooling my 2 kids (7 & 9) & be a good wife to a hubby on rotating shifts. (Did I also mention that we live in the country on top of a hill?) With all of this said, about 95% of my social life occurs through emails so one tends to get really excited about the prospects of getting out of the house alone to go anywhere & be with people, lol.
I was really excited about the new "Angelina Fibres" that I had gotten in & mentioned them in my guild ad for the past few months (& I also sell them at a better price than the speakers did I might add). But, I realized that even though I've been advertising in my Guild's newsletter for the past year, I'm still just the "raffle girl", or the young girl that helps MA with the library. I don't mind the part about being the young kid in a Guild when I'm actually 36, but it would be nice to be considered knowledgable on something. Perhaps I just have to be more outspoken or assertive, let people know what I can do, wear a Billboard!!! Who knows?? I've got a few ideas that might help people take notice, but any advice would be helpful. :o)
On the plus side, it was nice to see Lenore take her piece from the CQ RR that MA & I introduced to our quilting guild last year & make several more blocks on her own to make this very attractive wall hanging that I've pictured here; way to go Lenore.
After the meeting, some of the CQ'teers met at the local Tim's for coffee & I certainly hope that nobody got in trouble when we all lost track of the time & showed up to our homes 11/2 hrs late, lol. I for one blamed Irene, lol.
Keep stitching, peace out, Boop.

Friday, March 10, 2006
Knee high socks??

To tell you the truth, I just wanted to see how they would turn out. I didn't have a pattern for them, but referred to a couple of ones that I did have to figure out approx. how many stitches to cast on & then how to turn the heel. If you remember, I've only knit one previous pr. & that was for the "Olympics", lol.
I've also had a request from "Joe" for a sweater-vest because apparently "it's a chick magnet", lol. I'm sure he must have gotten this from Spongebob, but I'm not complaining. When your 7yr. old son asks you to knit him something, you do it & do it fast because you know this ain't going to last. I'm soaking it up while I can & luckily he isn't listening to his father's advice. :o)
Peace out, Boop

Friday, March 03, 2006
Knitting Olympic results: 4

MA's knitted denim bag

Today MA & I met for a craft day which also gave me the opportunity to take a pic. of her knitted denim bag for the blog. This is the one that I've been raving about, the one that she did for the "Knitting Olympics". The pattern said to cut up strips of denim & knot them together to form a denim yarn. You then knit the bag on large needles & line it (she used flannel). MA wants to emphasize that it does take it's toll on your hands. If she ever (I use this term in the hope that she really didn't mean never since I want one for Christmas, lol) did another, that she would definitely look for shirt or light weight denim because old jeans were just too hard to work with.
We ended up working on polymer clay today after our show & share. MA hasn't had much experience with it, but has really been wanting to learn. (This also might be due to the fact that I've been relentless in trying to suck her in for the past 2 yrs. at least, lol. )Anyway, we played with some molds that I had & then MA got carried away making faces. Not sure why she made so many, but I'm sure there was a reason, & it did seem to keep her amused. Please don't mention FIMO though, apparently she much prefers Sculpey & after her fit, it was just easier to agree, lol.
It was a nice day & now that the chores are done & the kids are asleep, I can finally get back to my sock. It's been calling for me all evening.
Peace out,
Boop :o)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Knitting Olympic results: 3

Knitting Olympics ATC

Undoubtedly, this was the most clever project finished by any of our CQ'teers; I think we'd all agree. Sue was the one that joined the K.O. kicking & screaming so she got us back by making us all these tribute ATC's for our monthly swap.
We were all so tickled by these adorable treasures that I just had to post a pic. For those of you who don't know much about ATC's, they are miniature pieces of art that are done in a 21/2" x 31/2" format (the same size as a normal trading card) & then shared or traded. Great job Sue!!
I will share more pics once I've had a chance to photograph everyone else's pieces. Stay tuned, you won't be disappointed.
Peace out, Boop :o)
Knitting Olympic results: 2

Sam's Pony

This is my daughter's 1st knitting project done on 2 sticks. I recently taught her how to finger knit & then how to use the "Knifty Knitter" loom. She is 10 & was pretty much able to follow the kit pattern. I did help with the decreases & the sewing, but other than that, she did it herself.
She was so excited about participating in the K.O. & delighted with the results of her new toy. Thank you to Minnie & Poppy who gave her the kit for X-Mas.
Kntting Olympic results:1

Skull Socks

Here are the "Skull Socks of Fury" that I did for the Knitting Olympics. These are my very 1st pr. of knitted socks. I've done tons of crocheted ones, but never had an opportunity to try knitted ones; other projects have always seemed to get in the way.
Anyway, the Olympics gave me the chance to finally achieve this goal. They weren't as difficult as others might have you believe. Perhaps I was just lucky & came across a good pattern; who knows.
Thanks Stephanie, you're the best.