Thursday, March 23, 2006
Amigurumi; what??????


I know, I know, but just hear me out. According to the definition that I found, Amigurumi means: a Japanese style crocheted anthropomorphic doll or stuffed toy. They are usually done in single crochet on the round, using bright colours; like Hello Kitty. You crochet all the parts & then sew them together after they're stuffed.
While they do seem quite addictive, the patterns are easily followed by beginners. I just recently joined the "Amigurumi-Along" in the Blogs. I was also able to purchase some inexpensive beginner patterns from "Roxycraft". They were clear, & easy to follow.
Give it a try, you might enjoy it. Besides if you can't beat'em, join'em. By this I mean that I'm trying to prepare you all 'cause I have a feeling I'll be making more, lol.
Peace out, Boop