Friday, March 03, 2006
Knitting Olympic results: 4

MA's knitted denim bag

Today MA & I met for a craft day which also gave me the opportunity to take a pic. of her knitted denim bag for the blog. This is the one that I've been raving about, the one that she did for the "Knitting Olympics". The pattern said to cut up strips of denim & knot them together to form a denim yarn. You then knit the bag on large needles & line it (she used flannel). MA wants to emphasize that it does take it's toll on your hands. If she ever (I use this term in the hope that she really didn't mean never since I want one for Christmas, lol) did another, that she would definitely look for shirt or light weight denim because old jeans were just too hard to work with.
We ended up working on polymer clay today after our show & share. MA hasn't had much experience with it, but has really been wanting to learn. (This also might be due to the fact that I've been relentless in trying to suck her in for the past 2 yrs. at least, lol. )Anyway, we played with some molds that I had & then MA got carried away making faces. Not sure why she made so many, but I'm sure there was a reason, & it did seem to keep her amused. Please don't mention FIMO though, apparently she much prefers Sculpey & after her fit, it was just easier to agree, lol.
It was a nice day & now that the chores are done & the kids are asleep, I can finally get back to my sock. It's been calling for me all evening.
Peace out,
Boop :o)
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FIT? Moi???? And now you're telling me you're still in like with Fimo. I dunno how anybody could like something that takes that much work & effort to become usable. FIT...bah!!!
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