Sunday, March 26, 2006
Proud British Knitter & a Hooker?

Okay, I've had a couple of inquiries about these 2 buttons on the left hand sidebar, lol. Knowing me the way you all do, it certainly wasn't for shock value; as if!!
Anyway, firstly I'll explain the proud British Knitter button. I had come across a site that had these buttons displayed & my curiosity got the better of me. Upon further research I discovered that there are different kinds of knitters. I always knew that people from Europe knitted "Continental", but really didn't know what that meant other than I was told they were faster.
So, if you're right-handed & also use your right hand to wrap the yarn around the needles, you are apparently a "Thrower". This also means that you are an "English style Knitter". If you are right-handed & use your left hand for wrapping the yarn around the needles then you are what they call a "Picker" (aka a "Continental Knitter").
Of course "Hooker" refers to a person that also "Crochets". According to some books, the name might have come from the times of the "Potato Famine in Ireland". In order to make $, women made Irish crochet laces to be sold overseas. In order to supplement the money they were paid, some warehouse owners would expect to also be given sexual favours for allowing them the privilege of working there. This might also be why prostitutes are sometimes called Hookers. Strange, but apparently true. Can you imagine? Geesh.
Well, hope I've cleared up some of the confusion. Today I'm working on ATC's, housework, the Biz & Amigurumis; not necessarily in that order.
Peace out, Boop