Friday, March 10, 2006
Knee high socks??

To tell you the truth, I just wanted to see how they would turn out. I didn't have a pattern for them, but referred to a couple of ones that I did have to figure out approx. how many stitches to cast on & then how to turn the heel. If you remember, I've only knit one previous pr. & that was for the "Olympics", lol.
I've also had a request from "Joe" for a sweater-vest because apparently "it's a chick magnet", lol. I'm sure he must have gotten this from Spongebob, but I'm not complaining. When your 7yr. old son asks you to knit him something, you do it & do it fast because you know this ain't going to last. I'm soaking it up while I can & luckily he isn't listening to his father's advice. :o)
Peace out, Boop