Monday, March 13, 2006
Guild Day

It seems to me that this time is especially important at the moment. I'm trying to get my home-based business going, home-schooling my 2 kids (7 & 9) & be a good wife to a hubby on rotating shifts. (Did I also mention that we live in the country on top of a hill?) With all of this said, about 95% of my social life occurs through emails so one tends to get really excited about the prospects of getting out of the house alone to go anywhere & be with people, lol.
I was really excited about the new "Angelina Fibres" that I had gotten in & mentioned them in my guild ad for the past few months (& I also sell them at a better price than the speakers did I might add). But, I realized that even though I've been advertising in my Guild's newsletter for the past year, I'm still just the "raffle girl", or the young girl that helps MA with the library. I don't mind the part about being the young kid in a Guild when I'm actually 36, but it would be nice to be considered knowledgable on something. Perhaps I just have to be more outspoken or assertive, let people know what I can do, wear a Billboard!!! Who knows?? I've got a few ideas that might help people take notice, but any advice would be helpful. :o)
On the plus side, it was nice to see Lenore take her piece from the CQ RR that MA & I introduced to our quilting guild last year & make several more blocks on her own to make this very attractive wall hanging that I've pictured here; way to go Lenore.
After the meeting, some of the CQ'teers met at the local Tim's for coffee & I certainly hope that nobody got in trouble when we all lost track of the time & showed up to our homes 11/2 hrs late, lol. I for one blamed Irene, lol.
Keep stitching, peace out, Boop.