Thursday, March 16, 2006
Chicken Little

Chicken Little

Nope, the sky isn't falling, but it may as well be. LOL. My dear brother-in-law is coming to town. Yup, it's absolutely true; no kidding. Mark & I haven't seen Steve in 81/2 yrs when he moved out west to be with his now wife Deb. It's almost impossible for me to grasp this, but it really doesn't seem like all that long ago. I think I must be in denial.
Steve is absolutely the greatest guy. I have wonderful memories of us staying up late talking & watching "The Munsters" & "The Adam's Family" in the middle of the night when Mark was in bed early so he could wake-up the next morning. Steve was & will always be the brother that I always wanted. I have missed him sooo much!!
I have also been cleaning up like a mad woman. I know Steve is coming to catch up with Mark, I & the kids. I know that he's not judgemental & couldn't care less how the house looks. I also know that the house really isn't that bad either & could easily be up to par with a little decluttering (which is what I'm doing). However, I think that since I have to do the Spring clean thing eventually, it's giving me a chance to use up the nervous energy that I have at the moment in anticipation of Steve's arrival.
Anyway, there's hardly been a moment for creativity unless you count the ways in which I've managed to hide some of the clutter that I just won't have time to deal with before the big day. Steve will be brought here by the inlaws Sat. just before noon & we will deliver him back to Oshawa Sun. afternoon. I know that it's going to be hard trying to catch up 81/2 yrs. in just over 24 hrs. but Mark & I are grateful for the opportunity. I'll keep you posted. 2 more sleeps!!
Peace out, Boop :o)