Monday, February 27, 2006
Best Olympics ever!!
Way to go team!! From what I hear, Stephanie (aka "The Yarn Harlot") finished her sweater. I had my doubts the other day, but thought if anyone could manage it, she could. What an example!!
As people start to get back to me, it looks like the knitting Olympics brought out the best in everyone. Not only is this the best ever showing that Canada as a whole has had in the Winter Olympics, but some of the personal accomplishments that the Knitting Olympics made us all strive for were more than awe-inspiring. I cannot wait until all the stories are in.
I myself managed to complete my 1st pair. of knitted socks Wed. It's one of those things that any knitter wants to aspire to, but seems to be intimidated by the horror stories, lol. However, when I checked them Sat. night, I realized that there was a mistake in the toe part of one of them. Wanting only the best, I was able to take them apart & get them back together by midnight.
Samantha (age 10) finished a knitted pony that is just sooo cute. My mother who has been intimidated by anything that didn't resemble a dishcloth or baby blanket (obviously she has trouble thinking outside of the box; literally) finally had the courage to take on the knitted baby poncho that she's had the pattern for at least 20+ yrs. It's a garment that asks to make 2 (one for the lining), but for our purposes, we told her that one side in 16 days was more than enough.
MA did this really, really cool denim knitting bag. You cut denim into strips, tie them all together to make a denim yarn of sorts & then knit it according to the pattern. It is just the hippest thing, but please don't ask her about her hands. Apparently knitting denim is something that isn't for us that may have arthritis (unless you're a saddest).
Sue (who will tell everyone that will listen that she only signed up because I wouldn't stop bugging her, lol) did a few things. We haven't seen the others, but the one that she brought to our CQ'teer meeting on Wed. was highly imaginative. She made us all ATC's using yarn playing cards. On the other side of the card she had made a miniature piece of real knitting using thread & toothpicks!! We were all blown away!! This chick is funny & terribly creative. If she weren't so much fun, you'd all hate her. LOL.
I hope to get some pics posted tomorrow of at least some of the items. I'm just so proud of everyone. I want to also thank all that took up my extended challenge when I told them about "Knitting Olympics". Also a special thanks to MA for introducing me to the harlot a couple of yrs. ago & to whom I'm eternally grateful.
Peace out, Boop.
PS- Wait until you all see the new line of T-shirts that I'm designing!!
As people start to get back to me, it looks like the knitting Olympics brought out the best in everyone. Not only is this the best ever showing that Canada as a whole has had in the Winter Olympics, but some of the personal accomplishments that the Knitting Olympics made us all strive for were more than awe-inspiring. I cannot wait until all the stories are in.
I myself managed to complete my 1st pair. of knitted socks Wed. It's one of those things that any knitter wants to aspire to, but seems to be intimidated by the horror stories, lol. However, when I checked them Sat. night, I realized that there was a mistake in the toe part of one of them. Wanting only the best, I was able to take them apart & get them back together by midnight.
Samantha (age 10) finished a knitted pony that is just sooo cute. My mother who has been intimidated by anything that didn't resemble a dishcloth or baby blanket (obviously she has trouble thinking outside of the box; literally) finally had the courage to take on the knitted baby poncho that she's had the pattern for at least 20+ yrs. It's a garment that asks to make 2 (one for the lining), but for our purposes, we told her that one side in 16 days was more than enough.
MA did this really, really cool denim knitting bag. You cut denim into strips, tie them all together to make a denim yarn of sorts & then knit it according to the pattern. It is just the hippest thing, but please don't ask her about her hands. Apparently knitting denim is something that isn't for us that may have arthritis (unless you're a saddest).
Sue (who will tell everyone that will listen that she only signed up because I wouldn't stop bugging her, lol) did a few things. We haven't seen the others, but the one that she brought to our CQ'teer meeting on Wed. was highly imaginative. She made us all ATC's using yarn playing cards. On the other side of the card she had made a miniature piece of real knitting using thread & toothpicks!! We were all blown away!! This chick is funny & terribly creative. If she weren't so much fun, you'd all hate her. LOL.
I hope to get some pics posted tomorrow of at least some of the items. I'm just so proud of everyone. I want to also thank all that took up my extended challenge when I told them about "Knitting Olympics". Also a special thanks to MA for introducing me to the harlot a couple of yrs. ago & to whom I'm eternally grateful.
Peace out, Boop.
PS- Wait until you all see the new line of T-shirts that I'm designing!!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Curling Gold!

Before & after the event, I worked on the crazy quilt pouch that the CQ'teers are working on as a group. I managed to get quite a bit done & am optimistic about the possibilities of finishing sometime this weekend. I have to run some errands tomorrow & finish up some cleaning up around the house, but I hope to get those out of the way early so I can get back to the CQing.
Pet pics were added to the gallery today as well as some updates to the main site. Mark also worked on the teaching facilty Thursday which was uplifting to say the least.
Anyway, back to work. Peace out, Boop :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Between the sheets: Meeting: Part 2

-take a small amt. of Angelina fibres & place them upon a pre-inked stamp
-place a single layer of parchment on top of the stamp & fibre & apply iron
-we used a dry iron at med. heat
-apply med. pressure for a few secs. or until the stamp image starts to show through the parchment
-peel off the fibre from the stamp
-a wonderfully unique fibre that has great iridescent features
-takes on a different look depending on the background that it's placed on
-choose uncomplicated stamps for the best results
-use dark or bright inks on light fibres, metallics on dark fibres
-can use ink or no ink with the stamp method to achieve different results
The meeting was extremely good. We had a lot of fun (too much, according to my hubby who found it incredibly odd to watch 4 grown women drooling over a coloured blob that resembled a fur ball, lol). We laughed, chatted, & shared 3 different chocolate treats along with lots of coffee (don't worry, it was decaffeinated).
We also exchanged our ATC's (which I will post pics. of later), & had a great "Show & Share". I am so proud of this group & the very talented women that belong to it.
Peace out, Boop
Monthly gathering: Part 1
Today was the much anticipated monthly CQ'teer meeting. On the itinerary we had scheduled experiments with Tyvek (Irene teaching) & Angelina Fibres (Boop teaching).
Irene came prepared with pieces of Tyvek with a leaf image already drawn out for us. The idea was to demonstrate how the Tyvek would react to heat (iron). She had also painted one side of the Tyvek with Lumiere paints (silver) so we could see how perhaps the 2 different sides might compare.
- cut out the pattern on the Tyvek
-place Tyvek between 2 sheets of parchment paper
-use med. pressure & press down on the parchment sandwich with the iron (cotton setting, no steam) in 5 second intervals checking for desired effect between.
We all took turns & concluded the following things:
-the more pressure, the more the Tyvek reacted to the heat & the faster it shriveled up
- the Tyvek would have concave or convex marks depending on which side was up, but the amt. of reaction was not dependent on if you applied heat to the Tyvek face up, face down or heated both sides
-you could achieve "friendly plastic-like" results by adding some Angelina Fibres to either side of the Tyvek & then heating it between the parchment.
-it did have somewhat of an odor so if you were working with it for more than a few mins. ,
you should work on the side of caution; be in a well-ventilated area or use a respirator

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Crazy Quilt class in Bobcaygeon

Well, today was the day. I haven't been posting this week because I've been busy preparing for the "CQ workshop" which was today. I felt really prepared so I hope that came across at the class.
The class took place at the "Wray House" in Settler's Village in Bobcaygeon. It's kind of like "Pioneer Village" for those of you who are familiar with it in T.O. Anyway, it was a lovely setting & a really nice group. I was made to feel totally comfortable & the class was great.
I told the girls that I would post their "before" shots tomorrow in the gallery so they'd be inspired to finish them. We did talk about meeting in a month or so to "show & tell" our finished pieces & I plan to hold them to it. (I know Sue is out there saying "peck, peck, peck". lol)
We also had the opportunity to do some experimenting with the new "Angelina Fibres" that I had gotten in for the shop. The results were really neat, & I will definitely have to do some more testing. It was nice to have others with you while conducting creative experiments. Unlike the family members I usually call to "come & see what I did", these girls were actually enthusiastic & excited about seeing the results, lol.
Now that this workshop is out of the way, I pledge to keep up with the daily blogging. I'm really excited about getting the pics up in the gallery & getting the main site finished now too. Thank you to all the wonderful ladies that I met at the workshop today & I can't wait until we get together again.
Peace out, Boop
Oh Canada,.......
Are we not doing great at the Olympics?? I am so pleased with our Canadian efforts the past few days. What a women's hockey team we have!! Absolutely awesome! I've been glued (possibly addicted) to the T.V. whilst working on my own contribution for the "Knitting Olympics".
In addition to my skull socks, Samantha has finished one side of the knitted pony, & mom has been diligently plugging ahead on her baby poncho. We'll get an update from the CQ'teers tomorrow at our monthly meeting.
Enough for now. Go team, go.
Peace out. Boop
In addition to my skull socks, Samantha has finished one side of the knitted pony, & mom has been diligently plugging ahead on her baby poncho. We'll get an update from the CQ'teers tomorrow at our monthly meeting.
Enough for now. Go team, go.
Peace out. Boop
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Devoted Olympian or just plain nuts??
So like the rest of you (approx. 4000 now) that signed up for the "Knitting Olympics", I waited with great anticipation for the flame to be lit yesterday. I made sure that everything was ready: the house, kids, pets, self. Daughter & I sat ready with our knitting & TV on. Then it happened, we lost the signal.
Of all the times for the blasted TV to decide not to work, it had to be then. I called mom in a panic & she said that the actual flame wouldn't be lit until about 2:00pm. She would call & let it ring 2 times so that I would know when to start knitting. As I laid out my stuff, I thought that at least I could do the gauge so that I'd be really ready.
This is when I realized that I didn't have the correct needles. This part didn't bother me as much as the fact that I had ample opportunities to have had this sorted out earlier in the week when I was actually in town. I even pondered over the needles Wed. With MA, but was sure that I had the correct ones at home. Needless to say that the unmarked pkg. left to me from my granny that I thought were the correct ones, were not.
So, I then did what any devoted athlete would do. I went downstairs to collect some chicken skewers from my polymer stash (I use these for shaping clay) . I cut them in half & got out the knife. I was not going to let a little technicality keep me from performing in my event. I would whittle myself a set.
Now, I have never whittled anything best I can remember, but I had seen my dad do it numerous times as a kid. I then sanded them on a bit of sand paper from my stash. I was pleased at my accomplishment. I ran upstairs & sat back down waiting for either the TV to start working or the phone to ring twice. Nothing yet. Called mom who had gotten so caught up in the Games that she forgot to call, but assured me that I could start. I had measured the needles with size checker & realized that they were perfect size 2's.
It wasn't until I had done a couple of rounds & stabbed myself numerous times that I realized several things.
PS- when hubby got home from work he managed to fix the TV & I did get to watch the ceremonies later that night when they aired it again. (Just in case you all were wondering, lol)
Peace out, Boop :)
Of all the times for the blasted TV to decide not to work, it had to be then. I called mom in a panic & she said that the actual flame wouldn't be lit until about 2:00pm. She would call & let it ring 2 times so that I would know when to start knitting. As I laid out my stuff, I thought that at least I could do the gauge so that I'd be really ready.
This is when I realized that I didn't have the correct needles. This part didn't bother me as much as the fact that I had ample opportunities to have had this sorted out earlier in the week when I was actually in town. I even pondered over the needles Wed. With MA, but was sure that I had the correct ones at home. Needless to say that the unmarked pkg. left to me from my granny that I thought were the correct ones, were not.
So, I then did what any devoted athlete would do. I went downstairs to collect some chicken skewers from my polymer stash (I use these for shaping clay) . I cut them in half & got out the knife. I was not going to let a little technicality keep me from performing in my event. I would whittle myself a set.
Now, I have never whittled anything best I can remember, but I had seen my dad do it numerous times as a kid. I then sanded them on a bit of sand paper from my stash. I was pleased at my accomplishment. I ran upstairs & sat back down waiting for either the TV to start working or the phone to ring twice. Nothing yet. Called mom who had gotten so caught up in the Games that she forgot to call, but assured me that I could start. I had measured the needles with size checker & realized that they were perfect size 2's.
It wasn't until I had done a couple of rounds & stabbed myself numerous times that I realized several things.
- I'm really good at whittling, in fact so much so that I should have been born Tribal 'cause no animal was going to survive after being hit with one of my arrows they're so dang sharp
- These probably would be classified illegal & certainly wouldn't be allowed on any plane
- if I was ever cast on the show "Survivor" I would be able to impress everyone by being able to whittle needles & then knit them all grass outfits
- for the sake of blood levels I had to come up with a better plan
PS- when hubby got home from work he managed to fix the TV & I did get to watch the ceremonies later that night when they aired it again. (Just in case you all were wondering, lol)
Peace out, Boop :)
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Getting ready?
Today I spent the day getting things caught up around the house in anticipation of tomorrow's events. I use "The FLYlady" method of cleaning except I work for 30-45 mins. at a time; I just can't seem to pull myself away in 15. Anyway, if you don't know what I'm talking about & have never been to her site you should really give it a go. The methods she teaches for organizing your house & life are especially good for those of us that often feel overwhelmed by the concept. I've been using it for about 31/2 yrs. now (thx. to MA) & find it very doable.
I was also able to work on the pouch yesterday. MA & I had decided that we really needed to get back on it & thought it might be something better handled with each other for company. It seemed to do the trick because we each have the embellishing part to do next.
Tomorrow is the start of the "Knitting Olympics" & according to the "yarnharlot" there's about 3300 people signed up! Wow, who would have thought that her idea would become this big.
I've pretty much heard from everyone in the group too & I will keep everyone up to date on the progress. Make sure that you drink lots of water, get up every 1/2 hour to stretch. (If you're drinking the water you'll have to get up for a pee anyway, lol.) Have chocolate & your cordless phone nearby in case you need a boost or moral support.
Good luck & Peace out,
Boop :)
I was also able to work on the pouch yesterday. MA & I had decided that we really needed to get back on it & thought it might be something better handled with each other for company. It seemed to do the trick because we each have the embellishing part to do next.
Tomorrow is the start of the "Knitting Olympics" & according to the "yarnharlot" there's about 3300 people signed up! Wow, who would have thought that her idea would become this big.
I've pretty much heard from everyone in the group too & I will keep everyone up to date on the progress. Make sure that you drink lots of water, get up every 1/2 hour to stretch. (If you're drinking the water you'll have to get up for a pee anyway, lol.) Have chocolate & your cordless phone nearby in case you need a boost or moral support.
Good luck & Peace out,
Boop :)
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Just in time wrist warmers.

Sam with her new wrist warmers.

So, as promised, here's a pic of Sam & her new wrist warmers. I'm still working on the headband, but wanted to post a pic before ya'll lost interest, lol. It was an easy pattern from Bernat. "Cool-for-School Wrist Warmers" You just have to sign up for a membership in order to view the pattern, but that's free too. We used Bernat "baby coordinates" which is a sports weight (in baby pink) & size 3mm needles because Sam is a tweenie & the pattern was written for young women.
I also finished up the 3 sets (5each) of ATC's this morning. Now I can start working back on the pouch. Nothing more to report. There's a good link on the yarnharlot's post today if you're involved in the Knitting Olympics. I'm still waiting for most of the CQ'teers to let me know what project they're going to start on Fri. during the opening ceremonies.
Enjoy your day, it's sunny!! Peace out, Boop :)
Monday, February 06, 2006
Olympic training
I got my daughter's wrist warmers finished (will post a pic. tomorrow) & am now on to the matching headband. I also managed (after the daily mundane chores were accomplished) to work on some ATC's. Unfortunately, I can't post those pics until after the next CQ'teer meeting. I was quite pleased with the way they turned out & can't wait to show them.
Tomorrow after home-schooling, I will have to work on the pouch that is due for the same meeting. It's a project that MA shared with us & kind of got put on the back burner, but I think we're all due to finish it for month's end.
Not sure if this post will go thru 'cause Blogger is doing maintenance tonight, but I promise to edit & add to the post sometime tomorrow.
Peace out,
Tomorrow after home-schooling, I will have to work on the pouch that is due for the same meeting. It's a project that MA shared with us & kind of got put on the back burner, but I think we're all due to finish it for month's end.
Not sure if this post will go thru 'cause Blogger is doing maintenance tonight, but I promise to edit & add to the post sometime tomorrow.
Peace out,
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Gumby!!

Gumby as the Crooner

Yes, it's true. Today is Gumby's birthday. I can't believe that you all didn't know. Geesh, he's just like the coolest guy ever. I mean ,what more could you want in a man? He's sensitive, flexible & green for goodness sakes, lol.
For those of you who don't know me, I am a huge animation buff. I tend to relate all of life's experiences to cartoons (much to everyone's dismay & confusion). My friends often refer to me as "animated" & would probably already have known that today was the big birthday 'cause I would have reminded you, lol.
So, sit back, play with your polymer, be creative, wear green & toast Gumby. Cheers!
Peace out, Boop.
PS- Tonight is also the biggest UFC fight ever. The last of 3 between Randy & The Ice-man. (Randy was the coach of the green team during season 1 of the "So you want to be an ultimate fighter; guess who I'm cheering for? LOL)
Friday, February 03, 2006
Self Portrait

Pic. of Boop
I know how curious people get so I thought today I would share a pic. of moi. I know it's a bit outdated, but thought you might enjoy it just the same. LOL.
Stay dry, keep warm & happy stitching. Going to work hard today down in the castle dungeon (aka soon to be teaching facility).
Peace out. Boop
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Knitting Olympics

If you're not a knitter, then here at the Castle, we're encouraging everyone to just try a project in a medium that they enjoy. I for one will be knitting, but tat, crochet, paint or whatever makes you smile. Start date is Feb.10th (opening ceremonies) & end date is Feb. 26th (closing ceremonies). That's 16 days to create something beautiful and accomplish a personal goal.
Sleep well & happy stitching,
Peace out. Boop

Okay people, don't even say it, lol. I am often looked at as a little obsessive (MA, say nothing), but I just didn't like the look of the other blog. That & the fact that I could post pics right to the blog & had to link everything. I do want a gallery, but feel that pics make the blog better & if I couldn't have that, then what was the point of having a blog that was suppose to concentrate on "art"!
So, I will work out the bugs with this one. I really like the look, feel & all the features. So bare with me, as it shouldn't take too long to figure it all out.
Kym (aka Boop) :)
So, I will work out the bugs with this one. I really like the look, feel & all the features. So bare with me, as it shouldn't take too long to figure it all out.
Kym (aka Boop) :)