Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Crazy Quilt class in Bobcaygeon

Well, today was the day. I haven't been posting this week because I've been busy preparing for the "CQ workshop" which was today. I felt really prepared so I hope that came across at the class.
The class took place at the "Wray House" in Settler's Village in Bobcaygeon. It's kind of like "Pioneer Village" for those of you who are familiar with it in T.O. Anyway, it was a lovely setting & a really nice group. I was made to feel totally comfortable & the class was great.
I told the girls that I would post their "before" shots tomorrow in the gallery so they'd be inspired to finish them. We did talk about meeting in a month or so to "show & tell" our finished pieces & I plan to hold them to it. (I know Sue is out there saying "peck, peck, peck". lol)
We also had the opportunity to do some experimenting with the new "Angelina Fibres" that I had gotten in for the shop. The results were really neat, & I will definitely have to do some more testing. It was nice to have others with you while conducting creative experiments. Unlike the family members I usually call to "come & see what I did", these girls were actually enthusiastic & excited about seeing the results, lol.
Now that this workshop is out of the way, I pledge to keep up with the daily blogging. I'm really excited about getting the pics up in the gallery & getting the main site finished now too. Thank you to all the wonderful ladies that I met at the workshop today & I can't wait until we get together again.
Peace out, Boop