Saturday, February 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Gumby!!

Gumby as the Crooner

Yes, it's true. Today is Gumby's birthday. I can't believe that you all didn't know. Geesh, he's just like the coolest guy ever. I mean ,what more could you want in a man? He's sensitive, flexible & green for goodness sakes, lol.
For those of you who don't know me, I am a huge animation buff. I tend to relate all of life's experiences to cartoons (much to everyone's dismay & confusion). My friends often refer to me as "animated" & would probably already have known that today was the big birthday 'cause I would have reminded you, lol.
So, sit back, play with your polymer, be creative, wear green & toast Gumby. Cheers!
Peace out, Boop.
PS- Tonight is also the biggest UFC fight ever. The last of 3 between Randy & The Ice-man. (Randy was the coach of the green team during season 1 of the "So you want to be an ultimate fighter; guess who I'm cheering for? LOL)