Today was the much anticipated monthly CQ'teer meeting. On the itinerary we had scheduled experiments with Tyvek (Irene teaching) & Angelina Fibres (Boop teaching).
Irene came prepared with pieces of Tyvek with a leaf image already drawn out for us. The idea was to demonstrate how the Tyvek would react to heat (iron). She had also painted one side of the Tyvek with Lumiere paints (silver) so we could see how perhaps the 2 different sides might compare.
- cut out the pattern on the Tyvek
-place Tyvek between 2 sheets of parchment paper
-use med. pressure & press down on the parchment sandwich with the iron (cotton setting, no steam) in 5 second intervals checking for desired effect between.
We all took turns & concluded the following things:
-the more pressure, the more the Tyvek reacted to the heat & the faster it shriveled up
- the Tyvek would have concave or convex marks depending on which side was up, but the amt. of reaction was not dependent on if you applied heat to the Tyvek face up, face down or heated both sides
-you could achieve "friendly plastic-like" results by adding some Angelina Fibres to either side of the Tyvek & then heating it between the parchment.
-it did have somewhat of an odor so if you were working with it for more than a few mins. ,
you should work on the side of caution; be in a well-ventilated area or use a respirator
# posted by bettyboopta2 @ 2/22/2006 10:32:00 p.m.