Friday, June 30, 2006
Gone Batty

& he's nursing every few hours. I've been given some great advice by some online rehabbers that I contacted. Who would have thought there were actually specialist in Bat Rehab.??
Anyway, it would appear that this is going to be an all summer project. There are stages of all formula feeding, 1/2 formula mix with mushed meal worms, all mushed meal worms, getting him to take live meal worms, flying practice (which I'm told he should be able to do at just over 3 weeks), etc.
I know, I know: if it's going to happen, then it's going to happen to "Boop". And you're quite right, except I am now used to it & can thus accept the fact that weird poop (which for interest sake, bat poop is just like a mouse, lol) seems to happen to me (a lot actually).
So, I will keep you updated. Speaking of which "Hope" (the kitten) is really doing well. She has become a real handful (typical little kitten). She is eating, playing, & getting into mischief normally now. Her legs have really sprouted up. I'm hoping that she'll grow into them soon as she presently looks a little giraffe-like.
Have a great day. Peace out, Boop

Monday, June 26, 2006
And the answer is.....
Based on the response from this weekends quiz, I've come to the following conclusions:
The reason that I took a picture of it (& the task wasn't all that easy on my own trying to hold the camera behind my head aimed correctly) was because I was unsure if I would keep it that way & if so for how long. Let me know what you think. Thx. Back to "artsy pics" tomorrow.
Peace out, Boop
- I've scared, confused or perplexed you all to heck, lol.
The reason that I took a picture of it (& the task wasn't all that easy on my own trying to hold the camera behind my head aimed correctly) was because I was unsure if I would keep it that way & if so for how long. Let me know what you think. Thx. Back to "artsy pics" tomorrow.
Peace out, Boop
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Like a Lunar Eclipse......

You have until Mon. night to figure out what this one is before I show & tell. Same format as last time: leave your name & answer in the comments section. Good luck.
Peace out, Boop

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Ta Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that someone actually got it right too. I thought that most people would think it was a "Betty Boop" which of course would make sense, but a "Popeye"? Never thought anyone would figure that one out. And to think that the person who did was also the one who probably knows the least about me. I'm calling it luck.
Anyway, I've tied in the ends, blocked it & will now just sew it in place. I only chose this pic above a "Betty" to first throw you all off & secondly because Popeye's infamous words describe how I feel about myself & my little (albeit sometimes big) quirks.
FYI: The tank top was done on a fine bed knitting machine & the panel was done by hand.
I really enjoyed the interaction & enthusiasm that I received because of this blog entry so I think I shall continue on a more interactive basis. Please don't be afraid to comment, all is appreciated & worth while.
Peace out, Boop

Saturday, June 17, 2006
Can you figure it out??

Give it a try, you have nothing to lose. I'll give you all until say Tues. night before I post pics of the finished project. Good luck! LOL.
Peace out, Boop

Friday, June 16, 2006
Knit Jewellery

I'm presently working on an Intarsia panel for a top I made. It's quite an intricate pattern, but I hope to have pics by Mon.
Have a great weekend & Happy Father's Day to you all, lol.
Peace out, Boop

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Knitting for a Cause

Here are a couple of quick pics, showing you all what's being knit up at some of the "Machine Knitting Groups".
It amazes me how many different charities & items these knitter's are involved with. These groups don't have a lot of members either. Unlike the almost 200 that belong to the "Quilting Guild" in town, the Machine Knitters have about 7 & 16 respectively. Based on percentages, the knitter's would put any other Guilds to shame with what they manage to make up in a year for the various groups in need.
I've only shown 2 items, but they give to The Police, Red Cross, ICross Canada, The Hospital, The Cancer Society & The Salvation Army. Items included are: blankets, hats, scarves, mittens, comfort dolls, wheelchair bags, chemo hats, slippers, etc.
If you're like a lot of us, then giving $ is hard to do on a limited budget, but if you're handy it's not a problem. Think about giving your time instead by making up a few things. Most of the time there's no cost involved either. Charities usually have a source for donated supplies & you need only call to find out.
Peace out, Boop

Monday, June 12, 2006
Bras, bras, bras (literally)

I had challenged the girls this Spring to alter a bra any way they wanted to. The idea being that we'd take pics of the finished ones & then incorporate the shots into a quilt by printing them onto fabric. The quilt would then be sent off to "The Quilt" for next year's auction to raise funds for Breast Cancer research.
(From left to right) Irene was sporting a foral number that she embellished by sticking silk flowers all over. MA crazy-quilted hers & then lined the cups with a kitty on each side (the idea being 2 cats in bags yowling to get out). With mine I wanted to show that small bossoms can be powerful too. Ever since I was a kid I would get teased for being "small", but I'm quite okay with that; it's everyone else that seems to have a problem. Anyway, I called my piece "the B-36 Bomber". I had hot glued fans in the cups so that they worked just like propellers. I then told the group that small busted women should essemble & be proud to be a part of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee", lol.
I don't think the Quilt Guild was exactly prepared for us, but based on all the laughter, they seemed to enjoy it just the same, lol. We had so many positive comments from our creative "Show & Tell" that I'm not sure what we'll have to do next to top that one; but we do have some ideas!
Peace out, Boop

Thursday, June 08, 2006
Not what you think

I know, I know........ & trust me I thought that the pattern was turning out just a wee bit phalic
as well. However, once you start the finishing process it does get better, lol. These are from the #2 knit pattern (African Comfort Dolls) on the "ICross Canada" site.
The pattern says to stuff & then embellish, but I think you could avoid at least 2 blisters if you did that part before. Trying to stitch yarn thru the already stuffed body was a real #$%^& to say the least. I think you'll thank me later should you decide to heed this little bit of advice.
Peace out, Boop

Monday, June 05, 2006
Hope Update

A few days ago we had to gently squeeze food down her throat with a shringe & rub under her chin to make her swallow. She couldn't hold her head up on her own & was so weak & frail.
As of today she is able to drink (eagerly) from the dropper, is taking small amounts of wet food & is walking (sometimes even running) on her own. The changes in Hope are remarkable to say the least. I just wanted you all to share in this little miracle.
Peace out, Boop

Thursday, June 01, 2006

When they arrived, some of the ladies were in tears because this little kitten was barely alive. (My parent's cat Spanky had passed away during a routine teeth cleaning procedure at the Vets the day before). Anyway, mom offered to take it home so at least she would pass away in comfort & not alone in a cage. They stopped in at the Vets on the way & he felt that if they could just get some liquids into her that there might be some hope. He said that the next 24hrs would tell whether she would live or not. (The mother of the kitten had rejected it, leaving her critically weak & dehydrated.
Anyway, they had just brought the kitten home when soon after I arrived back from Buckhorn. I had a look over the kitten (I also have my Vet Assistant Diploma) & definitely felt that it dehydration & could possibly be saved. I was able to get 1 shringe (3cc each) of water & 4 of formula into the wee thing over the next few hours while I was there.
I called this morning & my parents had continued with the formula & even got the kitten to lick some soft food from their fingers. My daughter had named the precious little thing "Hope" yesterday & so the name has kind stuck. Please send your prayers so that "Hope" gets a second chance. It would be greatly appreciated. Thx.
Peace out, Boop