Thursday, June 15, 2006
Knitting for a Cause

Here are a couple of quick pics, showing you all what's being knit up at some of the "Machine Knitting Groups".
It amazes me how many different charities & items these knitter's are involved with. These groups don't have a lot of members either. Unlike the almost 200 that belong to the "Quilting Guild" in town, the Machine Knitters have about 7 & 16 respectively. Based on percentages, the knitter's would put any other Guilds to shame with what they manage to make up in a year for the various groups in need.
I've only shown 2 items, but they give to The Police, Red Cross, ICross Canada, The Hospital, The Cancer Society & The Salvation Army. Items included are: blankets, hats, scarves, mittens, comfort dolls, wheelchair bags, chemo hats, slippers, etc.
If you're like a lot of us, then giving $ is hard to do on a limited budget, but if you're handy it's not a problem. Think about giving your time instead by making up a few things. Most of the time there's no cost involved either. Charities usually have a source for donated supplies & you need only call to find out.
Peace out, Boop