Sunday, November 26, 2006
Peace out, Boop
New blog address:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
OT: UFC future??

The blog will also be moving over to the new Blogger site soon. I thought I had told everyone on the 6th when I tried out the Beta version, however apparently that was only in my head. I can only plead Christmas gift-making overload at the moment.
So, you can go here to see what the new site will look like. This one will eventually be changed over to the new one, but because it's in Beta version the http code is slightly different until it does.
Peace out, Boop

Friday, October 20, 2006
Creative Festival (aka Needlecraft Festival in T.O.)

Each year MA & I are taken down to this big event by Jack (MA's hubby). It involves careful planning to get my own family prepared for the absence of the great family organizer (aka Mom). With animals taken care of, kids ready for school, & husband set with instructions, I am off.
Set with my fanny pack, $, car knitting essentials

We get our ritual lunch on the way at Tim's by the "Pacific Mall" & keep heading S. to our goal. Once there it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. Here you are in a room surrounded by fellow artists & supplies for your habit.
This year I picked up Bonash powder, a Vie pigment starter, the Kreinik fusable threads I've looked every where for, sock yarn & some

I saw, I felt, (I was also draped in the most wonderful cross-over capelet by the nicest & coolest Queer ever & wanted to keep it & him, lol), I enjoyed & then it was over.
We drove through "China Town" on the way to "Frans" where we usually have our celebratory dinner. Then it was home to reality (which is comforting & sucks all at the same time, lol.) Completely wiped out of $ & energy, I drove the rest of the way home where some last minute bedtime chores, my children & animals all awaited for my anticipated return. I then sat down with hubby to continue working on the knitted washcloth (from "the Mason-Dixon book") that I had started in Jack's van & watch the Ulimate fighter. Sigh, life is good.
Peace out, Boop

Monday, October 16, 2006
The Comfort Doll Give-a-way & the Guild turns 20

Also, the Lindsay Creative Quilting Guild celebrated it's 20th year. In attendence were our founding members that were presented with corsages & a cake for this notable event.
We enjoyed a speaker from a Quilt Shop in Uxbridge & had a very grand time; as always.
Peace out, Boop

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anyway, these were done on the machine (tuck stitch which I liked the wrong side of better) for MA's B-Day. The pic was taken at the Fall Fair last week. These are so MA's colours & so I had no choice, but to immediately buy the yarn in order to make these for her. (This is what I told hubby & am sticking to this story.)
She was kind enough to let me borrow them back for the Fair, so I took the opportunity to finally get a pic & share with you all. This just goes to prove once again that "any sox is better than no sox", lol.
Peace out, Boop

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Welcome back.......

Just can't get that song out of my head. If you remember the theme song from this sitcom then you're at least as old as I am, lol.
These are just some pics from the Lindsay Ex. where I've been doing art demos for the last 4 yrs. I would kill to have this as my full-time job. You talk to nice people (the majority of them are anyway, lol), who are interested in what you do & you get to work on your art without kids, hubby & pets bugging you for silly stuff like meals & such for 3 straight days.

I must admit however, that once the Fair is done, it's big-time crashing for all those involved. Our homes need major cleaning (seems that nobody has children or hubby's that think to do anything while you're gone 'cause they consider this a holiday). The week working up to the Fair also contributes to the choas 'cause you're wanting to keep your set-up/booth fresh each year & thus jam like crazy during this time like a teenager

The end result is worth it though as it's often one of the few times during the year that you're treated like you actually know something (family doesn't tend to do this on any kind of regular basis). Sometimes you're even praised, appreciated & worshipped (okay, maybe not this far, but it's ego stroking just the same & I'll suck it up any time I can, lol).
Everything seemed to go over really well this year too. People seemed particularily interested in the "Bras", the art dolls, crazy quilting,

I feel much healthier now as well. The migraines have pretty much halted, & things do seem like they're improving. Still some more appts. into mid. Oct., but hopefully they will go well too. Thanks to the Lindsay Quilter's Guild for the card, the Baddow knitting group for the cake & everyone else that sent private emails or expressed concern. It was all very much appreciated.
It's good to be back. Peace out, Boop

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Yarn Harlot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MA celebrated her B-Day & because she is my bestest friend, I wanted to do something special. When I caught wind that Steph would be going to Aurora to talk, I couldn't believe it. Problem was that I didn't know: the particulars, would my surgery be done, would I be able to go, would be be able to get in, get babysitting, would Jack (MA's wonderful hubby who I adore, lol) drive us, etc.??

I had the surgery (a few complications & a fever, but other than that I was willing) & emailed the neccessary people.....
*I'd just like to pause here to defend the fact that I'm not a groupie; never have been the type. I don't make a habit of following unreaslistic dreams, never bought "Tiger Beat" as a teen or written a fan letter. Something inside of me snapped though (I shall insist that it was the influence of the heavy painkiller's the surgeon perscribed) & I went into panic mode. *
.....I now needed to make this happen. I hadn't heard back & when I called to confirm that there was seats avail. & saved, I was told that the extra seats were taken & only guild members were being allowed in. Okay, (stop to breath before I hyper-ventilate) there must be a way. I then did what any rational knitter (worth a grain of salt) would do:

I declared a full blown "yarn emergency"! I then posted a desparate plea to "Sandra's Blog" (S. is in the middle pic. on the left) hoping that the the yarn community would come together for one of their own. It was an absolutely shameless attempt (more like a loud cry for help to which I'm not proud, but you must understand the circumstances for G's sake).
I waited and waited (& continued to check) for my email reply. It was about 2:30 pm when I had thought I better just suck it up & accept defeat. I called my mom to tell her my trouble's, had a cold shower (our only box air-conditioner was feeling as run down as I was & not working to it's full potential) & got into my PJ's. I explained to the kids that I just wouldn't be able to be there for them 'cause I was too depressed (hey, there's only so much hard luck a person can take!)
Anyway, I made one last pass by the computer as to sign off for the night when I saw the email. It was from Jennifer (middle pic. on the right). She had wrote me last min. to let me know that there had been a couple of cancellations & there were now a few seats available for us if we wanted them!! Can you believe that?? I can't describe the noises that came out of me (remember, I still can't talk properly & screaming was out of the question). I cried, jumped around (which immediately started to cause throbbing in my face, lol) & called mom (to ask if she was still willing to watch the kids) & Jack (to see if he was still willing to drive MA & I). I even gave up my next pain pill so I could get the kids down to Lindsay where MA & Jack would pick me up at mom's. I packed my dinner (bottle of Boost), all my Harlot books, the socks & other knitterly things I wanted to show her & my camera & was off.
It was one of the single best night's of my life. I was able to do something really special for my best friend, able to see our mutual fav. blogger/knitter/etc. (I had to tell a little white lie to Samantha though 'cause she asked if it was better than her & Joe's birth: I said that of course not, but close. Truth is that I don't remember laughing or having such at good time at the births, lol.) We took pics, got to talk, listen, autographs, meet wonderful fellow knitter's! What more could someone ask for?? On the way home, we all continued to have wonderful talks & laughs. It definitely was a night to remember.
When I got home, the kids & I slept downstairs (the only cool place in the house) & sat up talking about our day. They were genuinely happy for MA & I. (This is an amazing example of empathy considering they're only 71/2 & 10, but I think it's because of how happy they saw their mom was.) My jaw was so sore from all the laughing & trying to talk, but I didn't care. Life was good.
Thank you so much to Sandra for not judging & understanding, Jennifer for emailing me without even considering that I could possibly be a nut bar (I'm not though, lol), mom for watching the kids, Mark for giving me his blessing to go (even though he didn't think I was well enough yet) & caring enough to ask how it went after he got back home for the late shift, Jack for driving, MA for being seen with me (although she did keep her distance while mingling afterwards as not to be connected with the swollen-faced idiot that sounded like she was chewing on marbles & wouldn't leave Steph. alone), the ladies at the York Guild for allowing me to come, & Stephanie who is one of the most (down-to-earth, naturally cool even though she might not think so, funniest writer & talker) greatest person in the world!! She even laughed politely as I explained of all the things that happened in order for me to be able to be there last night so we could finally meet (I'm sure she's sorry that the God's weren't strong enough to hold me back this time,lol) including why I was wearing my hubby's shorts or had to to change my undies 'cause I noticed, at my last piddle stop before I left, that the dog had ate the crotch out of the ones that I was wearing (again I blame the pain killer's for such brutal & unnecessary honesty).
Peace out, Boop

Buttons, buttons & more buttons.
I was really excited about this button order for the local knitting shop. I assumed (I tell you, never assume) that the store owner (the one that had asked me to make them up) knew the whole button-making process.
The process:
1) condition the clay colours that you plan to use (this usually takes about 20 passes through various thickness settings on the pasta machine) per colour
2) do the marbling (blending the colour ways together to achieve effect- in this case I chose 3 per button)
3) cut, shape, make holes & ridges
4) bake & cool
5) The finishing (which is the part I enjoy the least for the most part) This means a 1/2 day in each of 4 stages of grit in the rock tumbler as well as some wet sanding, cleaning out holes, etc. in between
6) The final protective coating & voila!
*Anyone that has taken my "Polymer 101" classes will tell you that they never knew so much was involved. 3 days work for 18 lousy (actually they looked quite nice, lol) buttons.*
I'm getting the impression that most people think that you just roll the stuff out like cookie dough, cut them into shapes, slap them onto a sheet & bake. Apparently, this shop owner was no exception, lol. I even went to the trouble to research other polymer button maker's on the Net to get an idea of what she should be looking at charging for them retail (so as to be competitive). Needless to say, she was horrified to find out that poeple pay $1.50-$3.00 US each for a 7/8" clay button.
And I ask why not?? You're going to spend endless hours of your time, making up a beautiful piece of knitting (or crochet), using expensive yarn & then put dime store buttons on the thing? What are you nuts? Am I the only one that is in complete disbelief here?
Needless to say, I think I'm done with this place. Did I mention that I also got MA to pick up my wee bead-knitted purse necklace so I could take it to show Stephanie (you know, the Yarn Harlot)?? She loved it & I'm making her one in green,
Sigh, I need to go meditate now. Peace out, Boop

X-Rays & kittens, oh my.

He is absolutely precious: beautiful markings, wonderful disposition & loves the 2 other kittens that my parent's adopted. We take him with us to mom's to visit while I go to Dr. appts. He actually loves to go in the car too.
I named him "Tora" because it means "Tiger" in Japanese & I wanted something to remind him of where he was found.
Peace out, Boop

Catchin up........
Here's a quick run down:
- diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (a few month's ago, but only close friend's knew); seems under control except if I overdue it (mostly in garden so please keep this in mind when you see the weeds)
- have had numerous tests & x-rays
- found out that at some point I've broken my ankle (which I find weird, but have heard these stories), but is too far along in the healing process to have anything done about it right now
- have severe bone loss in jaw (said to match 80 yr. old). Would be okay with this except I'm 37!! They're now sending me for bone density & looking into Osteo.
- Had oral surgery last week. Went okay, but still having to go for dressing changes every 3 days. Haven't had real food in a week now & still have no feeling in lower jaw & tongue. (I have been told that this can happen & should come back) Must say that it's an unusual feeling & quite embarrassing to keep asking those around you to make sure you don't drool in public, lol)
- have pratically finished the basement studio after a year of work & little $ to work with
- got to take my bestest friend MA to see our mutual heroine last night. It was my last min. plea that seemed to make it possible & thus want to thank Sandra & Jennifer for making it all happen. I had truly given up all hope & couldn't believe my change of luck (hopefully we're on a roll here, lol.) So, I can now get back to blogging, pictures, life, etc.
Peace out, Boop