Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Yarn Harlot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all know that I read "The Yarn Harlot
's" blog. I talk about her excessively to anyone who will listen (as well as those who won't). I convinced everyone around me to take part in "The Knitting Olympics". I plug her books & blog when I do my own trunk shows And, for the most part, I am usually thanked for putting people onto her. (Please note that I've also thanked MA numerous times for introducing me to the world of Harlot.)
MA celebrated her B-Day & because she is my bestest friend, I wanted to do something special. When I caught wind that Steph would be going to Aurora to talk, I couldn't believe it. Problem was that I didn't know: the particulars, would my surgery be done, would I be able to go, would be be able to get in, get babysitting, would Jack (MA's wonderful hubby who I adore, lol) drive us, etc.??
Anyway, after doing some research (which MA chooses to call stalking, but I beg to differ, lol). I thought that just maybe, there was a chance.
I had the surgery (a few complications & a fever, but other than that I was willing) & emailed the neccessary people.....
*I'd just like to pause here to defend the fact that I'm not a groupie; never have been the type. I don't make a habit of following unreaslistic dreams, never bought "Tiger Beat" as a teen or written a fan letter. Something inside of me snapped though (I shall insist that it was the influence of the heavy painkiller's the surgeon perscribed) & I went into panic mode. *
.....I now needed to make this happen. I hadn't heard back & when I called to confirm that there was seats avail. & saved, I was told that the extra seats were taken & only guild members were being allowed in. Okay, (stop to breath before I hyper-ventilate) there must be a way. I then did what any rational knitter (worth a grain of salt) would do:
I declared a full blown "yarn emergency"! I then posted a desparate plea to "Sandra's Blog" (S. is in the middle pic. on the left) hoping that the the yarn community would come together for one of their own. It was an absolutely shameless attempt (more like a loud cry for help to which I'm not proud, but you must understand the circumstances for G's sake).
I waited and waited (& continued to check) for my email reply. It was about 2:30 pm when I had thought I better just suck it up & accept defeat. I called my mom to tell her my trouble's, had a cold shower (our only box air-conditioner was feeling as run down as I was & not working to it's full potential) & got into my PJ's. I explained to the kids that I just wouldn't be able to be there for them 'cause I was too depressed (hey, there's only so much hard luck a person can take!)
Anyway, I made one last pass by the computer as to sign off for the night when I saw the email. It was from Jennifer (middle pic. on the right). She had wrote me last min. to let me know that there had been a couple of cancellations & there were now a few seats available for us if we wanted them!! Can you believe that?? I can't describe the noises that came out of me (remember, I still can't talk properly & screaming was out of the question). I cried, jumped around (which immediately started to cause throbbing in my face, lol) & called mom (to ask if she was still willing to watch the kids) & Jack (to see if he was still willing to drive MA & I). I even gave up my next pain pill so I could get the kids down to Lindsay where MA & Jack would pick me up at mom's. I packed my dinner (bottle of Boost), all my Harlot books, the socks & other knitterly things I wanted to show her & my camera & was off.
It was one of the single best night's of my life. I was able to do something really special for my best friend, able to see our mutual fav. blogger/knitter/etc. (I had to tell a little white lie to Samantha though 'cause she asked if it was better than her & Joe's birth: I said that of course not, but close. Truth is that I don't remember laughing or having such at good time at the births, lol.) We took pics, got to talk, listen, autographs, meet wonderful fellow knitter's! What more could someone ask for?? On the way home, we all continued to have wonderful talks & laughs. It definitely was a night to remember.
When I got home, the kids & I slept downstairs (the only cool place in the house) & sat up talking about our day. They were genuinely happy for MA & I. (This is an amazing example of empathy considering they're only 71/2 & 10, but I think it's because of how happy they saw their mom was.) My jaw was so sore from all the laughing & trying to talk, but I didn't care. Life was good.
Thank you so much to Sandra for not judging & understanding, Jennifer for emailing me without even considering that I could possibly be a nut bar (I'm not though, lol), mom for watching the kids, Mark for giving me his blessing to go (even though he didn't think I was well enough yet) & caring enough to ask how it went after he got back home for the late shift, Jack for driving, MA for being seen with me (although she did keep her distance while mingling afterwards as not to be connected with the swollen-faced idiot that sounded like she was chewing on marbles & wouldn't leave Steph. alone), the ladies at the York Guild for allowing me to come, & Stephanie who is one of the most (down-to-earth, naturally cool even though she might not think so, funniest writer & talker) greatest person in the world!! She even laughed politely as I explained of all the things that happened in order for me to be able to be there last night so we could finally meet (I'm sure she's sorry that the God's weren't strong enough to hold me back this time,lol) including why I was wearing my hubby's shorts or had to to change my undies 'cause I noticed, at my last piddle stop before I left, that the dog had ate the crotch out of the ones that I was wearing (again I blame the pain killer's for such brutal & unnecessary honesty).
Peace out, Boop

MA celebrated her B-Day & because she is my bestest friend, I wanted to do something special. When I caught wind that Steph would be going to Aurora to talk, I couldn't believe it. Problem was that I didn't know: the particulars, would my surgery be done, would I be able to go, would be be able to get in, get babysitting, would Jack (MA's wonderful hubby who I adore, lol) drive us, etc.??

I had the surgery (a few complications & a fever, but other than that I was willing) & emailed the neccessary people.....
*I'd just like to pause here to defend the fact that I'm not a groupie; never have been the type. I don't make a habit of following unreaslistic dreams, never bought "Tiger Beat" as a teen or written a fan letter. Something inside of me snapped though (I shall insist that it was the influence of the heavy painkiller's the surgeon perscribed) & I went into panic mode. *
.....I now needed to make this happen. I hadn't heard back & when I called to confirm that there was seats avail. & saved, I was told that the extra seats were taken & only guild members were being allowed in. Okay, (stop to breath before I hyper-ventilate) there must be a way. I then did what any rational knitter (worth a grain of salt) would do:

I declared a full blown "yarn emergency"! I then posted a desparate plea to "Sandra's Blog" (S. is in the middle pic. on the left) hoping that the the yarn community would come together for one of their own. It was an absolutely shameless attempt (more like a loud cry for help to which I'm not proud, but you must understand the circumstances for G's sake).
I waited and waited (& continued to check) for my email reply. It was about 2:30 pm when I had thought I better just suck it up & accept defeat. I called my mom to tell her my trouble's, had a cold shower (our only box air-conditioner was feeling as run down as I was & not working to it's full potential) & got into my PJ's. I explained to the kids that I just wouldn't be able to be there for them 'cause I was too depressed (hey, there's only so much hard luck a person can take!)
Anyway, I made one last pass by the computer as to sign off for the night when I saw the email. It was from Jennifer (middle pic. on the right). She had wrote me last min. to let me know that there had been a couple of cancellations & there were now a few seats available for us if we wanted them!! Can you believe that?? I can't describe the noises that came out of me (remember, I still can't talk properly & screaming was out of the question). I cried, jumped around (which immediately started to cause throbbing in my face, lol) & called mom (to ask if she was still willing to watch the kids) & Jack (to see if he was still willing to drive MA & I). I even gave up my next pain pill so I could get the kids down to Lindsay where MA & Jack would pick me up at mom's. I packed my dinner (bottle of Boost), all my Harlot books, the socks & other knitterly things I wanted to show her & my camera & was off.
It was one of the single best night's of my life. I was able to do something really special for my best friend, able to see our mutual fav. blogger/knitter/etc. (I had to tell a little white lie to Samantha though 'cause she asked if it was better than her & Joe's birth: I said that of course not, but close. Truth is that I don't remember laughing or having such at good time at the births, lol.) We took pics, got to talk, listen, autographs, meet wonderful fellow knitter's! What more could someone ask for?? On the way home, we all continued to have wonderful talks & laughs. It definitely was a night to remember.
When I got home, the kids & I slept downstairs (the only cool place in the house) & sat up talking about our day. They were genuinely happy for MA & I. (This is an amazing example of empathy considering they're only 71/2 & 10, but I think it's because of how happy they saw their mom was.) My jaw was so sore from all the laughing & trying to talk, but I didn't care. Life was good.
Thank you so much to Sandra for not judging & understanding, Jennifer for emailing me without even considering that I could possibly be a nut bar (I'm not though, lol), mom for watching the kids, Mark for giving me his blessing to go (even though he didn't think I was well enough yet) & caring enough to ask how it went after he got back home for the late shift, Jack for driving, MA for being seen with me (although she did keep her distance while mingling afterwards as not to be connected with the swollen-faced idiot that sounded like she was chewing on marbles & wouldn't leave Steph. alone), the ladies at the York Guild for allowing me to come, & Stephanie who is one of the most (down-to-earth, naturally cool even though she might not think so, funniest writer & talker) greatest person in the world!! She even laughed politely as I explained of all the things that happened in order for me to be able to be there last night so we could finally meet (I'm sure she's sorry that the God's weren't strong enough to hold me back this time,lol) including why I was wearing my hubby's shorts or had to to change my undies 'cause I noticed, at my last piddle stop before I left, that the dog had ate the crotch out of the ones that I was wearing (again I blame the pain killer's for such brutal & unnecessary honesty).
Peace out, Boop

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This post said it all. And I still think you're a stalker (albeit a nice one). Thanks for the evening!
Wow Boop, I'm even more happy now that I let you in after reading about how miserable you have been lately and how thrilled you were to be at Stephanie's talk. I'm glad it meant so much to you and MA to be there, and I hope this marks the beginning of a good karma future for you.
I am so glad that my daughter enjoyed such a wonderful evening with her best friend (MA), Yarn Harlot and the lovely ladies at the Aurora gathering. I believe that her karma has changed now and it will be the beginning of great things for a brilliant young woman.
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