Tommie Sue from
"I-Cross Canada" met me at Cambridge United Church today. I was handing over 62 comfort dolls, that together, the Lindsay Machine Knitter's & the Fenelon Falls Machine Knitter's groups were donating for the cause. Tommie is leaving on the 18th of this month to hand out some 200 dolls to needy children in Guatemala. (For full story, check out the blog

May 30/06 )
Also, the Lindsay Creative Quilting Guild celebrated it's 20th year. In attendence were our founding members that were presented with corsages & a cake for this notable event.
We enjoyed a speaker from a Quilt Shop in Uxbridge & had a very grand time; as always.
Peace out, Boop
# posted by bettyboopta2 @ 10/16/2006 01:03:00 p.m.