Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Buttons, buttons & more buttons.
I was really excited about this button order for the local knitting shop. I assumed (I tell you, never assume) that the store owner (the one that had asked me to make them up) knew the whole button-making process.
The process:
1) condition the clay colours that you plan to use (this usually takes about 20 passes through various thickness settings on the pasta machine) per colour
2) do the marbling (blending the colour ways together to achieve effect- in this case I chose 3 per button)
3) cut, shape, make holes & ridges
4) bake & cool
5) The finishing (which is the part I enjoy the least for the most part) This means a 1/2 day in each of 4 stages of grit in the rock tumbler as well as some wet sanding, cleaning out holes, etc. in between
6) The final protective coating & voila!
*Anyone that has taken my "Polymer 101" classes will tell you that they never knew so much was involved. 3 days work for 18 lousy (actually they looked quite nice, lol) buttons.*
I'm getting the impression that most people think that you just roll the stuff out like cookie dough, cut them into shapes, slap them onto a sheet & bake. Apparently, this shop owner was no exception, lol. I even went to the trouble to research other polymer button maker's on the Net to get an idea of what she should be looking at charging for them retail (so as to be competitive). Needless to say, she was horrified to find out that poeple pay $1.50-$3.00 US each for a 7/8" clay button.
And I ask why not?? You're going to spend endless hours of your time, making up a beautiful piece of knitting (or crochet), using expensive yarn & then put dime store buttons on the thing? What are you nuts? Am I the only one that is in complete disbelief here?
Needless to say, I think I'm done with this place. Did I mention that I also got MA to pick up my wee bead-knitted purse necklace so I could take it to show Stephanie (you know, the Yarn Harlot)?? She loved it & I'm making her one in green,
Sigh, I need to go meditate now. Peace out, Boop

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