Friday, October 20, 2006
Creative Festival (aka Needlecraft Festival in T.O.)

Each year MA & I are taken down to this big event by Jack (MA's hubby). It involves careful planning to get my own family prepared for the absence of the great family organizer (aka Mom). With animals taken care of, kids ready for school, & husband set with instructions, I am off.
Set with my fanny pack, $, car knitting essentials

We get our ritual lunch on the way at Tim's by the "Pacific Mall" & keep heading S. to our goal. Once there it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. Here you are in a room surrounded by fellow artists & supplies for your habit.
This year I picked up Bonash powder, a Vie pigment starter, the Kreinik fusable threads I've looked every where for, sock yarn & some

I saw, I felt, (I was also draped in the most wonderful cross-over capelet by the nicest & coolest Queer ever & wanted to keep it & him, lol), I enjoyed & then it was over.
We drove through "China Town" on the way to "Frans" where we usually have our celebratory dinner. Then it was home to reality (which is comforting & sucks all at the same time, lol.) Completely wiped out of $ & energy, I drove the rest of the way home where some last minute bedtime chores, my children & animals all awaited for my anticipated return. I then sat down with hubby to continue working on the knitted washcloth (from "the Mason-Dixon book") that I had started in Jack's van & watch the Ulimate fighter. Sigh, life is good.
Peace out, Boop

Monday, October 16, 2006
The Comfort Doll Give-a-way & the Guild turns 20

Also, the Lindsay Creative Quilting Guild celebrated it's 20th year. In attendence were our founding members that were presented with corsages & a cake for this notable event.
We enjoyed a speaker from a Quilt Shop in Uxbridge & had a very grand time; as always.
Peace out, Boop

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anyway, these were done on the machine (tuck stitch which I liked the wrong side of better) for MA's B-Day. The pic was taken at the Fall Fair last week. These are so MA's colours & so I had no choice, but to immediately buy the yarn in order to make these for her. (This is what I told hubby & am sticking to this story.)
She was kind enough to let me borrow them back for the Fair, so I took the opportunity to finally get a pic & share with you all. This just goes to prove once again that "any sox is better than no sox", lol.
Peace out, Boop