Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Knitting Machine Guild

My Ebay machine still hasn't come, but I guess the reg. UPS delivery is slow. Will contact the

knowing that it's made some progress getting here; sigh.
The 1st pic. is one of Gran's knitting machine all set up. I'm making the "Turret" a knitting sanctuary with an Asian theme if you're wondering why the window frames look 1/2 finished, lol. (Will post a pic of the rm. when it's finished). The 2nd pic. is a view from the Turret where it overlooks the highway & Lk. off in the distance. Should be a pretty nice place to knit when it's all done.
I've also been working on another baby shower gift, more Amis & some mending. Hoping to start a new project; perhaps another mini bead knitted purse. Until then, peace out, Boop.

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Just realized that this Blog entry was there (silly me!). Your turret is going to be an awesome place to do your knitting. Glad to see Mom's knitting machine is up and running. She would have been very pleased to see her 'special' Kym doing something with it.
Hugs, Mom
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Hugs, Mom
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