Thursday, September 28, 2006
Welcome back.......

Just can't get that song out of my head. If you remember the theme song from this sitcom then you're at least as old as I am, lol.
These are just some pics from the Lindsay Ex. where I've been doing art demos for the last 4 yrs. I would kill to have this as my full-time job. You talk to nice people (the majority of them are anyway, lol), who are interested in what you do & you get to work on your art without kids, hubby & pets bugging you for silly stuff like meals & such for 3 straight days.

I must admit however, that once the Fair is done, it's big-time crashing for all those involved. Our homes need major cleaning (seems that nobody has children or hubby's that think to do anything while you're gone 'cause they consider this a holiday). The week working up to the Fair also contributes to the choas 'cause you're wanting to keep your set-up/booth fresh each year & thus jam like crazy during this time like a teenager

The end result is worth it though as it's often one of the few times during the year that you're treated like you actually know something (family doesn't tend to do this on any kind of regular basis). Sometimes you're even praised, appreciated & worshipped (okay, maybe not this far, but it's ego stroking just the same & I'll suck it up any time I can, lol).
Everything seemed to go over really well this year too. People seemed particularily interested in the "Bras", the art dolls, crazy quilting,

I feel much healthier now as well. The migraines have pretty much halted, & things do seem like they're improving. Still some more appts. into mid. Oct., but hopefully they will go well too. Thanks to the Lindsay Quilter's Guild for the card, the Baddow knitting group for the cake & everyone else that sent private emails or expressed concern. It was all very much appreciated.
It's good to be back. Peace out, Boop